eBooks at the GCL
Meet OverDrive NM
Welcome to the new GCL digital library. OverDrive NM is your next best friend. That is, if you like to be able to read ebooks and listen to audiobooks using your own devices (computer, phone, tablet) anywhere you might be. One caveat … you need internet access. To get started, download and review the how-to guide. The digital library is free and easy to use. If you are a library patron and have provided us with an email, you have a digital “library card” already. Simply log into OverDrive NM and select Glenwood Community Library then enter your email. If you want a digital library card, come into the library and sign up with your email or send a request to glenwoodlibrarynm@gmail.com. How easy is that?
Meet Libby
OverDrive NM is great but when you add Libby, it gets even better. Libby is a free app you can download to your phone or tablet (iOS and Android). You can also use Libby on your computer but it is best used on your mobile devices. Libby has the same content as OverDrive NM, just a different interface which has many features that allow you to really enjoy our digital library. It even has a download option which means you can read and listen on your phone or tablet without an internet connection. Isn’t that great?