The Moanin’ Frogs

Silver City Silver City, NM

President’s Chamber Music Series @ WNMU - Light Hall Theater Bending genres and uplifting spirits, The Moanin’ Frogs offer an electrifying approach to chamber music. Conservatory-trained and entertainment-minded, their dynamic and technically precise performances of classical, ragtime, jazz, and pop delight fans across the world. Featuring all six saxophones from soprano to bass, The Moanin’


Scrap Arts Music

Silver City Silver City, NM

WNMU - Fine Arts Center Theatre Original, High-Octane Invention We start with SCRAP. We transform it through the ARTS of sculpture, choreography and film. And we draw upon all we know to create an unforgettable MUSIC experience. Five athletic musicians perform with 145 mobile invented instruments — all hand-made by group leader and composer, Gregory
