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Blood Drive – Silver City

Silver City Woman's Club 411 Silver Heights Blvd, Silver City

In addition, Vitalant's Blood Mobile will be at the following locations: Fort Bayard Medical Center April 10th August 14th December 11th Gila Regional Medical Center April 11th August 15th December 12th Vitalant is always looking for blood drive volunteers. Contact the organizer to see how you can help.


DAC – Recycle Art

Deming Arts Center 100 South Gold Avenue, Deming

The Deming Art Center is excited to present the annual Recycle Show which is sponsored by Luna County and “Keep Luna County Beautiful.” Featured will be pieces of art made from at least 90% recycled materials and crafted by artists of all ages. Intake will be Wednesday, November 1, from 9AM – 12PM. Show will